Intermediate 12 Week Bouldering Program
This is a 4 day a week FULLY scheduled bouldering program with some conditioning on a bar, on rings or a trx and just with body weight. There are video demonstrations throughout.
You should be a beginner climber, new to the climbing game or possibly a climber who took a long break and has come back to find their strength gone!
This program isn’t too intense to start off with, but it will be harder than the usual formula of walking into the gym, climbing whatever, socialising and going home 3 times a week.
This program introduces you to warm up techniques, footwork drills, core conditioning, pull ups, some basic TRX conditioning and onsight and projecting skills.
You will do two blocks of 6 weeks. I suggest a rest week before moving on to week 7-12. Week 7-12 will be slightly harder, accounting for the strength you gained in the first 6 weeks.
The zip file includes: Warm Up Guide, Footwork Guide and a Stretch Guide. ($30 value) So there's everything you need to progress in these next 12 weeks.
The program is copyright, do not share it. You can share it with your partner or bestie :)
You must be carrying NO INJURIES at all. If you are, do not complete this program.
I am in no accountable for any injuries you sustain peforming this program and by buying this you accept those terms.
Zip file with PDF's